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Island of the Cavemen: Huge Size Caveman Erotica
Island of the Cavemen: Huge Size Caveman Erotica Read online
Island of the Cavemen
By Fannie Tucker
Copyright 2014 Fannie Tucker
Preview: Island of the Cavemen
Caveman Virgin Breeding Erotica
Urgar shifted closer, and as she sensed his eagerness, her gaze darted down to his loincloth. When he squatted, the brute's manhood hung exposed below the strip of fur. Paige's eyes widened; she had always thought Ben's cock was big, but it couldn't compare to this caveman's monstrous member. Hard, she was sure it would be big enough to use for a club.
A chill ran up her spine, cold as the water she'd run through moments before. What would happen if Urgar became aroused?
Maybe you aren't hairy enough or big enough for him to find you attractive, Paige told herself, but Urgar's eyes drifted down to the swell of her breasts, the dark circles of her nipples starkly visible against the tight wet fabric. The caveman grunted with admiration, and he cupped one in his big hand, giving it a good squeeze, rolling his thumb over her hard, aching nipple.
Paige writhed, but she didn't pull away. Who knew how Urgar might react if she fought him? She hadn't seen any females in the hunting party that had happened upon their campground, but they must be somewhere. It was hard to imagine a fearsome brute like Urgar begging for sex like Ben. It seemed more likely that the cavemen simply took what they wanted from their women.
Paige forced herself to meet Urgar's small black eyes, and in his gaze, she felt herself reaching back across millennia. Her heart pounded in her chest, but not with the fear she expected. She feared him, certainly, but what stirred in her heart was more primal. Before the cavemen had chased a mammoth through the expedition's camp, she had been full of arousal, prepared to let Ben take her virginity. Now she felt amped up, as if all the fear and excitement and sexual energy of the past hour had been magnified a hundredfold.
Whatever caused it, she couldn't deny the intensity of her own arousal, but Paige tried to ignore the feeling or explain it away. Better to surrender to this one than to be shared by all of them.
Here behind the waterfall, she could at least pretend she had some control. If Urgar hauled her back to his village or cave, she would be his forever, but if she could sate his primitive lusts, perhaps she could slip away later.
Trembling with cold and fear and excitement, she peeled her wet shirt over her head and cast it aside. It slapped against the cavern's stone floor with a wet smack. Paige arched her back as gooseflesh rippled across her bare skin. The firelight cast a warm glow on her pale curves, a sharp contrast to the deep cherry red of her swollen nipples. Hard and tight, they ached with unspeakable want.
Urgar growled his approval at the sight of her bare breasts, and Paige didn't flinch away when he brought both hands forward. She gasped at the rough calluses of his fingers against her smooth skin, yet the texture sent a sharp tingle through her flesh. When he bent his huge, shaggy head and put his mouth around the scarlet tip of one breast with an instinct older than history, she shuddered.
Urgar didn't try to keep her in suspense with gentle teasing. There was no delicate circling with the tip of his tongue. He sealed his mouth against her skin, pressing the flat of his tongue against her hard nipple as he pulled at it like a babe giving suck. Paige moaned and raked her fingers through his coarse hair as her head rolled back to rest on the smooth stone at the back of the cave.
Ben's hand slid into Paige's panties, his fingertips brushing through the coarse hair above her slit. As he found the hot damp of her crotch, Paige tensed. Her body wanted this, but she took his wrist in both hands and firmly pulled it out.
"Come on, baby. I need you so bad," he said, squeezing her naked breast to emphasize his desire.
"Not tonight, Ben. I'm not ready," she said, but the breathlessness in her words and the firmness of her nipple beneath his fingertips betrayed just how ready her body was.
"I thought you wanted your first time to be special," Ben said. "What could be more special than this?" He kissed her again, and Paige sensed his passion and his desperate lust.
He was right, in a way. Tonight was special. The University had only allowed Professor Donegal to bring six students along on his historic expedition to the newly discovered Yeman Island. Yeman rose out of the dark waters of the Pacific Rim like the shoulders of a giant, a mountainous lump of rocky tundra a couple hundred miles off the desolate coast of eastern Russia. Blanketed by perpetual fog, its unusual weather pattern and position far from trade routes had shielded Yeman from discovery until new satellite technology had picked up its infrared signature.
Undersea volcanoes gave birth to new islands in the Pacific on a regular basis, and the world collectively shrugged its shoulders at this one. But Professor Donegal realized that Yeman was something special. Under the biology professor's leadership, the University's science department had flown them to northern Japan, where they'd chartered a ship out of Sapporo. After a few days at sea, the ship plunged into the fog surrounding Yeman and anchored offshore. Donegal's expedition team had boarded the smaller landing craft that carried them to a cove on the island's rocky southern beach.
Donegal had insisted that the expedition drew straws to decide who had the honor of setting foot on land first. Paige won, and when she swung her leg over the gunwale, the thrill of discovery hit her like a thunderbolt.
They hadn't ventured far from the cove, making camp in a wide, shallow bowl of land near the beach. Before the sun had set behind the ever-present clouds, Paige had stood with Ben and surveyed the craggy chain of mountains at the island's center.
"Isn't this amazing?" she had asked him, grinning like a child. "We're the first ones here. Everything we see tomorrow will be something no one else has ever seen before!"
"We're pretty lucky," Ben agreed, but when his hand had slipped down to rest on the curve of her bottom, Paige knew he had other "firsts" on his mind.
Now they lay together in Ben's tent, the top flap of his insulated sleeping bag draped over their young bodies. She and Ben had started dating nine months ago, and until tonight, he'd respected her virginity.
But whether the excitement of the island had infected him in a different way, or whether he was just hornier than usual, Ben had decided that the time had come to take their relationship to the next level. Now they lay side by side in his tent, their bodies close together, and he'd already managed to coax her out of her shirt.
Paige's body ached to let him take her, but she didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. I'm ready, Ben. I'm just not ready to do it with you.
There was just something too needy about Ben. Instead of taking what he wanted, he pleaded and begged, then whined if he didn't get his way. Still, he treated her well, and she didn't want any drama while they were stuck on the island together. She reached down into his shorts and wrapped her fingers around the length of his cock. His rock-hard flesh pulsed in her hand, hot as fever.
"Let me use my mouth," she said, forcing a smile. That'll be okay, won't it?"
"I need to be inside you, Paige," Ben said, stroking her cheek with a loving touch. His mouth found her neck again, and he kissed that spot beneath her earlobe - the one that drove her nuts. She squirmed against him, trying to ignore the twinge between her legs. She felt her resistance waning. She knew giving herself to Ben would be a mistake, but tonight, it felt like a mistake she could live with. Besides, she was the first on Yeman. She might as well have another first.
"Okay," she said, and she felt his excitement rise as the word hung between them.
Ben wasted no time; he pushed back the top of the sleeping bag, then knelt over her,
pulling her shorts and panties down past the curve of her hips.
Paige lay trembling and nervous, her delicate young curves exposed in the lantern's soft, warm light.
Ben stared down at her, eyes gleaming with lust and admiration. "Damn, Paige," he whispered. "You're beautiful."
She blushed and resisted the urge to cover herself, but when his hands caressed her body, she relaxed her legs a little, letting her thighs part. Ben took his shirt off, revealing lean muscle and a flat stomach. Dark hair around his navel disappeared below the elastic band of his shorts, which bulged with his arousal.
Thummm... The earth beneath the tent seemed to vibrate, reminding Paige of the cars with loud stereos that cruised past her cheap college apartment late at night.
"What was that?" she said, frowning.
Thummmm.... It came again, louder.
"It's nothing," Ben said. "Let's just..."
Thummmmm, thummmm, THUMMMM...
The vibrations grew more intense, and a deep rumbling sound joined them.
"Holy shit," Paige said. It sounded like a rockslide.
Outside the tent, alarmed voices cried out. In the tent, Ben muttered a curse.
"Go see what it is," Paige said.
"It's probably no big deal, we can..."
"Go!" Paige snapped, suddenly convinced that men were incapable of intelligent thought while they had erections.
Ben bit back his frustration, and instead of pulling his shorts off, he tugged his shirt over his head and crawled out into the night.
Paige hurried to dress herself, but she couldn't find her panties. How the hell had Ben lost her panties in the space of a few seconds inside a tent? She gave up and tugged her shorts on without them, trying to ignore the damp throb between her legs. Perhaps it was better this way. She hadn't wanted it to be Ben.
A deafening sound like a thousand trumpets split the night amid the crashing rumble, making Paige jump in surprise as she threw her t-shirt on. She could worry about a bra later. Something was happening.
She ducked out of the tent and into pandemonium.
Ben had pitched his tent about a hundred yards up the slope from the main camp, clearly hoping for some private time with Paige. The rest of the expedition had erected several other shelters around a fireless cooking stove near the beach. Thick clouds covered the island and sea in a black shroud. Ben had already hurried down to the main camp, where the feeble glow of a few lanterns left everything outside the circle of tents in darkness.
The ground shook, and that trumpeting wail came again, a sound like an elephant, but deeper and more resonant. Paige saw Ben trot down and join the milling silhouettes of the others. They stood staring into the darkness past Ben's tent. Paige turned to follow their gaze toward the source of the rumbling cacophony, but for several seconds she saw only blackness. Then something moved in the night. Something big.
"That's impossible," she whispered to herself. "Elephants don't live on islands." The huge shape's profile was unmistakable, rushing past the campground with deceptive speed for something so large. For an instant, the faint light touched it, and she saw that it wasn't an elephant after all.
Elephants weren't covered in fur, and they didn't have those huge, curved tusks.
Paige had only a moment to gape at the creature as it turned away from the light and crashed off into the darkness. Its thunderous footfalls drowned out the confused shouts from a half-dozen biologists and students, then faded as it disappeared.
"Holy shit! What the hell was that?" someone cried. Paige opened her mouth to call to them, to tell them what she'd seen, but then she clamped her jaw shut. She'd never hear the end of their teasing. An overexcited biology student sees a wooly mammoth? Right.
"It sounded like a rock slide," she heard Ben say. He stood by Professor Donegal near one of the lanterns, staring into the darkness with hands on their hips.
Paige started to duck back into the tent for her shoes, but orange light flared. Paige spun and saw several spots of fire rise over the ridge from which the mammoth had come. In the glow, the silhouettes of huge, broad-shouldered men moved nimbly over the rocks, torches held high as they ran. In their other hands, they carried long spears.
Fear sent Paige's pulse skyrocketing, and she ducked down against a boulder. In the camp below, she heard cries of alarm.
"Everyone! Get to the boat! NOW!" Professor Donegal cried. The handful of scientists and students broke, leaving everything as they sprinted toward the landing craft that sat with its bow in the sand and its long keel in the surf. Ben ran with them, not even glancing back to see if Paige was with him. Perhaps her instincts had been right; he wasn't the man for her.
Paige ducked her head as the figures flowed past her tent, rushing toward the camp. Something about them tickled her memory, but despair drove the thought from her head as she realized they had cut her off from the rest of the expedition.
She scuttled further away from the tent and the light of the lamp inside. She found a crevice between two boulders and slunk down inside it just as the hulking men loped into the main camp. She heard a few surprised grunts as they stopped, then she heard one bark in some strange and guttural language like nothing she'd ever heard - not Russian and certainly not Japanese.
Paige risked a peek and saw four brutes standing in the center of the camp, spears held at the ready as they looked around at the tents and equipment. If a wooly mammoth hadn't just stampeded past the camp, Paige would have thought this was some elaborate prank. But no matter how impossible, this had to be real.
The four men - if they could be called that - had shoulders as wide as NFL centers, and thick muscle sheathed their bodies. Fur loincloths covered their privates, and coarse black hair covered the rest of their bodies. They stood stooped forward, their hostile snarls revealing broad flat teeth set forward in their square jaws. Beady black eyes gleamed beneath prominent brows. One prodded a portable lantern with the tip of his spear, toppling it over with a crash.
Paige thought of the classic image showing the evolutionary progression from monkey to modern man. As she stared in wonder at the strange quartet, she knew they belonged somewhere in the middle of that progression.
The primitives grunted at the broken lantern and began to poke at the tents. Then Paige heard the rattle of a starting engine. One of the cavemen pointed at the water and hooted. All four turned and looked at the expedition's landing craft, where the rest of the group sat huddled in the hull.
The cavemen hefted their spears and headed for the beach. Paige saw that someone in the boat had turned on a spare lantern, and the silhouettes of her friends crowded around the stern.
The engines roared to life, and the boat began to slide back into the surf. The cavemen raced to the shore, and one hurled his spear at the craft. Its flint tip glanced harmlessly off the fiberglass hull and fell into the surf. When the boat reached the breakwater, it turned and raced off into the night, heading toward the big ship that lay anchored offshore.
Paige watched in despair as the landing craft's light faded. They had left her here! Ben had left her here.
Her mind raced with excuses: In the heat of the moment, they hadn't had time for a headcount. She had taken too long getting dressed. They had been in danger.
But at his heart, Ben wasn't brave or strong. In his own way, perhaps he loved her, but he loved himself more.
She shoved thoughts of him aside; the cavemen had finished howling at the boat and were heading back to the camp. Their pursuit of the mammoth forgotten, they had discovered far greater treasure. One picked up the last remaining lantern, cradling it carefully in his arms as he sniffed at it. Another ducked his head into a tent, and she heard excited grunts as he rummaged through the supply boxes.
Paige burrowed deeper into the cleft, hoping to hide until the cavemen satisfied their curiosity and left. Surely the landing craft would come back for her when they realized she was missing. She only needed to hide. But then one of the cavemen wandered toward the n
ear edge of the camp and sniffed the air, eyes gleaming in the light of his torch as he searched the darkness.
"Urgar!" one of the others called.
The sniffing caveman turned at the sound of his name.
"Chuk eda huz!" one of the other cavemen called, pointing up the slope at the tent Ben and Paige had shared only minutes before.
Urgar grunted. "Nuk! Pok cha!" He slipped into the dark stretch of land between the camp and Ben's tent, then reappeared a few moments later, terrifyingly close to Paige's hiding place. He started toward Ben's tent, then froze and turned in her direction. Creeping forward, he sniffed, searching the air as though he'd detected an interesting smell.
Paige's stomach clenched with dread. She had showered on the ship just before disembarking, where she'd washed her hair with her favorite shampoo and body wash. After days of salty air, that fresh, flowery scent had reminded her of home, where she'd taken her bathtub and endless supply of hot water for granted.
Now she realized that scent was still on her, and to these primitive men, it would be an alien smell, strong and easily detectable in the cool, dry air. The light of his torch would reach her soon; she had to move.
She slipped out from between the two boulders and tiptoed up the hill, ducking from one big rock to the next. In the darkness, she had to feel her way forward, checking each step with her bare feet. Now and then, a clump of dry grass would rustle as she moved past it. She winced and hurried on. Her only hope was to put distance between herself and the four brutes. Once it was light, she could find her way back to the shore.
After a few minutes in the darkness, her eyes adjusted, and she moved faster as the dark outlines of the landscape became visible. Sweat covered her body, and she strained to breathe quietly as she struggled up the steep hill. Ahead, she heard running water and hurried toward it. The sound grew louder, and soon the steady crash of a waterfall drowned out the noise of her feet slapping on smooth stone.
Paige reached the top of a low ridge and slipped over it. On the other side, she saw it. Water cascaded in sheets from a high ledge to splash and churn in a wide, shallow pool that emptied out into a narrow stream. Even in darkness, its beauty surprised her, hidden away forever on this bleak island. Without hesitating, Paige rushed into the water, hoping to rinse away the scent of her shampoo.